Here comes they winner of the keyboard battle
Hi woofs and talks:
Here I am again with a perfect screw-up story. Needless to say I was
really sorry afterwards.
Well I think it all started when Chris started to break my routine of
crossing that one street really early. She had decided that while cars
were going, we could walk on a little more. I didn't want to, and kept
stubbornly standing right at the curb, saying I want to cross. At first
Chris told me to go straight and forward, then she added a directional
hint with the leash. I simply wouldn't listen. Finally we had a really
serious talk, after which Chris ended up winning. She made me return,
walk back the route, return and walk back again, until I walked straight
acceptably, in her opinion. Only then was I allowed to cross. Man that
was a tough one, she's really more stubborn than me. Okay, she always
knows how to get me out of my grudges - she always asks me to bark, and
that is real fun.
And then on Friday, I don't know what happened, but I slammed Chris into
a pole really hard. I mean that thing has always been there, I was just
not paying attention, thinking I know the route by heart. After we had
crossed the street with the lights I walked Chris off the road with no
reason and didn't want to go back on the sidewalk. Well, the street was
wet and I wanted a good sniff of the fresh soil. You know, it always
releases most wonderful smells when it rains - something the humans with
their silly tiny noses have no idea of. That got me another major talk.
But the worst thing was that when people asked what had happened to her
forehead. Chris did not invent any excuses, but instead she said that I
had my bad day and I was not paying attention. I don't like it when my
image gets scratches like this, I want to be the sweet darling Hapoo who
always get pets.
But talk about always: Even my most loved new human friend Petra talks
straight words to me now. When I see her, I cannot stop myself from
greeting her noisily. And the best thing is when Chris is on the phone,
for then she cannot correct me. Today I pulled off the same trick, but
instead of Chris, Petra came towards me and told me to stop it and to
stay on my bed. Man, I didn't know Chris had given her permission to do
Generally, now when people come to work where we are sitting, Chris
tells them not to pet me, because I have started to greet them with a
far tinier song than I sing for Petra. Even this afternoon when we were
leaving, the one of the bosses, a male I really like wanted to say
goodbye and pet me, but Chris told him to step back and wait. She first
made me sit quietly, and then he came for pets. I think she is going to
teach me a lesson that is hard to learn, but I am afraid again she will
make sure to win.
But then again I am the only one remaining faithfully by her side, so I
am. Shadow is gone, mom no longer really lives with us, and both the
tennis and the music man haven't even considdered looking at me. Okay,
at least Mr Music Man has looked at Chris, but he has left, and I am
waiting for her when she comes back. I always greet her at the apartment
door when she comes back from taking the trash downstairs. And she
always wants to win! Is that a fair game? Do you considder that a fair
Okay, Chris, if I let her, would now start to tell you all the occasions
on which I have won, but that's not the point here. I will go and digest
my too tiny portion of food now, goodnight, Hapoo.