Funny walk to work
Hi all:
A few days ago the friend came to visit us - no problem with that, I
like her and have learnt to ignore her pretty much, because she never
pets me. At first everything was the usual way. The ladies talked, I got
the occasional pet or scratch from Chris, and they talked and had food
and coffee and talked some more. And of course, they also slept and took
me for my Hapoo walks.
On Saturday we all woke up and Chris started her morning routine for
going to work, she also took care of the friend. Finally her backpack
was larger than usual, but qwe set off anyway. I did my morning
business, and then Chris harnessed me up. The friend still held on to
Chris' arm, so I thought I should guide both of them. I really tried my
best, and I think Chris was really proud of me, for she praised me and
told me what a clever girl I was. The friend sat by Chris all the time,
and they had lunch all together. They laughed a lot with the colleagues,
and Chris says the day passed really quickly.
After work I got to run free in that little semi-circle of a car parking
spot where hardly anybody parks, and then home we went. Again it was the
same procedure of me trying to take care of both ladies. When we walk
with mom it is different from the walk with the friend. Mom always walks
ahead a little and guides Chris, so I can follow nicely. But the friend
holds on to Chris and walks a little behind, so I am the leader of the
pack and have to do a good job. I think I did, for Chris praised me
again ad told me what a good girl I was. We crossed all streets safely
and arrived home really well. Only the weather was really louzy, it was
windy and snow came down. Chris says it is good that she can keep her
eyes closed in such weather, and that I am there.
Of course it is good that I am there, so she is not on her own all that
much and has me to talk to and play with. Allright, I think the lady
wants to turn off the computer, so she can make herself the morning
coffee, cheers, Hapoo.