Sunday, November 29, 2009

A few interesting thoughts

Hey there, and, in case you have it, happy first of advents!
While shopping yesterday, Chris found a large candle. She says bees had produced it. That is strange, but I don't claim to understand everything that is going on in this world. It smells sweet, and she likes the smell, although she doesn't like honey on her bread or in milk.
And then she also checked my weblog site and found that quite many people have stopped by to read my thoughts and ramblings. I just am curious who they are. I think the weblog should make readers introduce themselves - after all you know who I am, and I think the more folks I kknow the more can pet me - right?
And when I leave Chris, which will be the case she says, I will only leave if the place is almost as nice as being with Chris, for nothing can top Chris I believe. I think I would love to stay with mom and follow her everywhere, because she always gives me scratches. Or I can stay with Mr Wheelchair and rest my head on his knee. Or what about Ilka, Chris' friend? I bet I could make her spoil me rotten if I am just charming enough. Or I could romp in Petra's yard...
Stop dreaming, none of them wants me, which leaves me completely speechless. Let's see, who else?
The Mr Music Man maybe, who could take me on his journeys, and every now and then Chris would meet us for a short hello, or a longer one. Or the large tennis men community, who could play ballchasing with me, and I could rest while they are playing and have fun otherwise and be right in the center of action when I want. Since none of them have turned down my offer of charming and loving and faithful company, I am hoping for the best.
Or maybe somebody else steps up and convinces Chris that they will e good company for me? Or, which would be better yet, Chris decides that I don't have to leave her after all!
Talking about it, yesterday in the supermarket I met a man and a tiny girl, and the little one was not at all afraid of me and my cold and wet nose. We had a nice conversation, and I think she would have stayed with me, if the man had let her.
Allright, she's watching strong men holding heavy winners' cups in the air that all look alike and that are called weights. So I will go on my Hapoo bed and enjoy the day, cheers, Hapoo.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What has happened?

Hi everybody:
I am not sure what has happened to Chris, for something really extraordinary has happened.
After that long day with Daniel, which had started with a breakfast, continued at the sea and then ended at that Japanese place, it looked like Chris and I were finally going to have a wonderfully calm day at home. We went for the morning walk after she had slept enough, and she even slept some more on the couch. Then in the evening she put me on the flexible leash but took the harness along. And at the corner of the street she put that harness on me, and I started a speedrace along the street, stopped at the traffic light, just in case Chris wanted to go to the streetcar stop. When she didn't, I knew we were goingto Daniel's place. I always indicate the entrance before Daniel's, and Chris says she doesn't mind. We took the elevator, and then Daniel met us at the apartment door. This was the first time we went there all on oour own, and Chris says I did an excellent job. No need to tell me, I know when I am smarter than she is, the route isn't all that difficult.
At Daniel's apartment the humans sat and had whine, and I found the bowl of water the great Daniel always puts out for me. The kitchen door was closed, that I realised on my cautious trip through the apartment. When it was opened, I found that the humans were going to eat pizza - of course, not a single crumb for me!
But after the plates were off the table, Chris and Daniel agreed that I could hop on the couch and rest my head on the blanket that was lying there.
My royal self on a human couch? O what a joy! I think that it must have been a special holiday, or my birthday or something equally special to the humans. Moreover, at one point my highly respected and sincerely loved Chris reached out and gave me a little piece of the cheese she and Daniel were having for a kind of dessert. She says that it was brought from Spain and donated by Ilka, who would surely have loved to hand me that piece of delicacy on her own. I was certainly trying to go for more, but Chris firmly reminded me that there was no more for me, and that was the case. However, I was permitted to remain on the couch, this time head on Chris' lap, so she could pet me. O I think Daniel is wonderful for letting me reside on his couch, and therefore I will continue running towards him and resting my head on his lap when I see him. After all, he is the one that is permanently seated at a comfortable head-resting level for me.
I have seen other people in wheelchairs passing by me, and i have always tried to tell them that they are y friends, but so far none of them has liked me as much as the initiator of my wheelchair people affection.
And while I am at it, I have forgotten to tell you another story.
After Chris and I had left the last plane, the sister had met us and we had gone to the furniture store, the humans first had food, and then we went shopping. All of a sudden there was a lady with a child. She told me that the child was afraid of me, and the mom asked if the girl wanted to pet me. She did very very lightly stroke my back. Chris told me to lie down, so I was smaller tha the girl, and I did. The humans talked about me, and Chris showed them where I was the softest, which is at my thick chest fur. Then Chris made me get up slowly, but she had warned the girl that I would get taller now. And then I said goodbye, lifting up my paws. Finally we left, but we met them again on the lower level of the store. Both the girl and I stood still, because she was afraid and I knew she was. Chris was really really impressed by my behaviour.
And then there was another lady whose bag smelled of Hapoo treats. I wanted to follow her, and the lady said that there should be Hapoo treats in her bag. Chris told her she could give me one if she wanted, but she had none, so Chris gave her one of hers, so she could give it to me. I only know because I know what treats are in Chris' clicker bag.
in sumary, I am convinced that I have the bestest Chris on this planet to care for me. She can be extremely strict and insistent, but she is my person. I surely love her much more than mom or the wheelchair man or Petra, Silke or Ilka, just I have to perform more than one jobs. I am her guide, her eyes, her company, and ever since Shadow has decided to disappear, I have taken on that job of her shadw as well.
Cheers for this moment, Hapoo.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Spanish review

Hi everybody:
I have decided to make use of what Chris has written, so I needn't type it all again. I just need to tell you that planes are really strange things. One is lifted up really high and cannot leave the thing until back on the ground. In that it is not a bus, but it looks a bit like a coach, where drinks and sometimes food are offered and I get ice.
So here goes Chris' review:
hi everybody:
This is a very long review, of course, as my trip was great.
On Thursday, November 12, the journey started to Berlin, where my friend Silke picked me up. First we had lunch in a Persian restaurant - the smell felt familiar, and for my taste the food was delicious. It is no secred that I love most of the Persian cuisine. I had chicken with a sauce of paumagranate juice and ground wallnuts mix, rice of course, a salade and the ever-present yoghurt. Then we spent some time in a tiny neighbouring shop that sells colours in various shapes. Silke bought a few for the friend I was going o see in Spain. The guy in the shop packed the liquid component so it wouldn't break in the plane's belly. Then we went shopping in Berlin's modern city center, and then Silke took me to my sister's place, where Hapoo explored the yard, before we all went inside to have a drink, chat and watch a bit of TV. Finally Silke left, and it certainly was time to close the day.
The next morning started with a nice and luxurious breakfast with my sister and her husband, before the sister took me to the airport. Here the flying debut awaited Hapoo. The service was excellent, I boarded the plane last, and a passenger who used to be a member of the cabin crew, immediately changed seats to assist Hapoo and me, if necessary. Hapoo lay down and only looked up for takeoff and landig to receive little treats, and I gave her ice cubes to chew on. In Frankfurt, our stop, we were taken to the next gate in an e-cart, which Hapoo didn't like, but I surely had fun speeding along the aisles. As we were aproaching the City of Bilbao, the plane was hit by some strong winds, and landing seemed difficult. Hapoo sat up several times, but I managed to put her down again, as that is the safest position for her, and we made it on the ground safely. I didn't think the landing was too hard on my stomach, but the cabin crew told me they did have to provide little bags for passengers in need. I was met by a little Spanish lady who kept talking to me, even though I understood only fragments. She was fascinated by Hapoo, helped me claim my bag and then took me outside to meet my friend.
Meeting Ilka was fantastic, we both really enjoyed meeting each other. Ilka surely didn't like Hapoo's calm distance towards her, but I bet Hapoo was tired after all these new impressions. We drove three hours to the Asturian city of Oviedo, and on the way I noticed the wonderful smell, like we only have it here in flower shops. The ride was great, Ilka and I talked and listened to some great music, walked Hapoo after arriving, and then enjoyed a great dinner, prepared by her son.
Ilka is really good at describing things. She started by describing her apartment to me, so I felt at home from the very beginning. She walked Hapoo with me all the time, we explored new routes, once found a way to climb the hill she kept seeing from her balcony but so far had had no idea how to access it, and she described the areas we walked in. She also displayed great talent in navigating me across rough and slippery grounds, we really had quite some fun.
Saturday was so warm that I started my day on the really large balcony, and then we drove to a beach, where we lazed in the sun and had lunch. Then Ilka showed me that the sea can sound like deep thunder, when it finds its way through and across rocks and cliffs - I had never heard such sound of the waves before. Then we saw a little chappel, which she also turned into pictures in my mind. As we left that shelter, a horse aproached us calmly and followed us until the road turned. I wasn't sure if Hapoo would scare him, so I preferred to leave, although I suggested that Ilka take him as her pet and possibly keep him on her balcony. The horse kept looking at us until he couldn't see us anymore, I guess he was a little lonely.
At night we chased coins to feed public laundry machines, and that way I got to taste Spanish gooddies and cakes.
On Sunday we drove up to a lovely little city called Llanes. The city itself is lovely, and on sunday afternoon the streets were packed with people, restaurants were busy, and shops were open. We first explored the city and then walked along a well-kept grass road right at the sea. We picked figs from a gree and then sat on a bench to enjoy the nature. Then I had the chance to buy a few fouvenirs, and we discovered the delicious Asturian cheese. If you ever have the chance to go there, have a taste of good cheese, and you know why I have to mention it.
Our last complete day was spent going to a forrest - a really romantic place in the mountains with a river running, falling and speeding through. That morning I also had the chance to see her new place of work, the Spanish contact center. People were very kind, and I caught a glimpse of the cultural differences, as well. In the afternoon we went shopping, and my great friend gave me a present, a lovely candle. We talked and had a lovely last evening.
The next morning we had to wake up early, because this great friend of mine drove me the three hours back to Bilbao. Again we talked some more, until it was time for me to leave - sometimes grattitude is hard to put in words.
The two flights back to Berlin, this time via Munich, were uneventful, and on the second leg I had great company of an engineer, who did not mind putting his papers aside for a nice talk. Finally my sister found us, and we drove to IKEA, where we first were greeted by a colleague whom I didn't know, but she knew that I worked in Rostock - fascinating. Sister and I had lunch and then went shopping. I bought a few plates and bowls, simply because I had seen some of them in Ilka's cabinets and liked then so much. The following day was spent relaxing and watching football with the sister and her husband, and finally on Thursday a good friend of mine picked me up, took me home and checked my stereo system. There had been a bug, and with easy means he got rid of it. Then we went to IKEA for lunch and a bit more shopping, and finally I was at home.
However, yesterday was another packed one. I had breakfast with my colleague and his parents, and when we stepped outside, the weather was so gorgeous, that we decided to go to the beach front in a little nearby city. Then coffee and cake, and the night was closed in a Japanese restaurant. Good to know that i have another week of holidays ahead, isn't it?
Have a good night, cheers, Chris&Hapoo.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

shopping again

Hi everybody:
Our bags are packed, and I can accompany Chris on a journey, that much is certain.
However, two days ago mom arrived, and we went to the ophtalmologist's office, where the nurses gave me loads of pets, and even the doctor lady said hi. I love that place, because everybody is so friendly there, and they all are very aware of me upcoming retirement, whatever that is going to be when it arrives.
After that we went grocery shopping, and then we walked to a building with loads of kids inside. A lady said there were no dogs allowed, but a man said guide dogs were an exception. We walked into another building with equally many kids, ad after a long wait the niece arrived, and we took the streetcar to the city. There the ladies all had sandwiches, Chris and I went to the hairdresser's, where she relaxed while a lady messed around with her hair. I think it is like a good gentle grooming session for me, which is really relaxing. Finally that was done, and we walked along the shopping street to the bank and then to the streetcar. Then we walked to the vet's office, where I saw two dogs, two cats and guinea pigs. We were in the doctor's office briefly, because Chris needed something written inside my ID. Then we left and the ladies took us home. O I was really tired, believe me.
Then yesterday the sister arrived, and we went to the furniture store. There the ladies sat and talked forever, and then it was shopping time. We had a really large car, and they put two large boxes inside, and heavy they were, too.
At night Chris took care of my fur and nails, packed her bags and then cleaned herself. This is a sign for a great trip with me, since my food also was packed. I will tell you all about it when we are back - whenever that'll be.
Cheers, Hapoo.