Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Hi all:
Just letting you know that Chris *is* taking me on a trip, she calls
that place Denmark. Wonder if there are cool dogs there...
Cheers, Hapoo.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

The biggest embarrasment for guide dog teams

Hi all:
This is Chris once more with an entry to let you know how Hapoo is or
rather was doing when I last saw her. Shadow and are in Spain, and
knowing that my old girl isn't to fond of te heat I left her in her
usual kenels. However, the morning before that, she and I went out fr
the Hapoo walk, and I noticed that her big business was a little softer
tan usual. I didn't think that a big deal, so I got both of us ready and
accompanied mom and Shadow to two places where we finally found a vacuum
cleaner for mom at the second, much to Hapoo's disliking. She is not too
fond of these devices. Just as we were leaving the place, Hapo arched
her back and left a huge present on the carpet of the store.
O how embarrassed I certainly was. Even more so when the nice sales lady
told us these things happen and that Hapoo is just a dog, too. She
commiserated when I told her that Hapoo had probably eaten something
wrong. She said she would clean up after Hapo and would not let me do
that, though I offered. As son as we were outside, I had to let Hapoo do
more of that disgusting business, poor girl must have been under too
much pressure. She faithfuly did all her duty without complaining. Ad I
know usually she would not go busy in harness, let alone on carpet

For the remaiing time of the day I tok er out frequently and really
managed to avoid any accidents in the house. I only took her to the
kenel the next morning, knowing that the people there would take god
care of her diarhea. I let them know of it beforehand, but they still
didn't mind.
I bet she is okay, for no news is god news in that case. Poor girl, she
was prlbably as embarrassed as I was. But after our trip to Spain we wil
pick her up from her kennal and then she will go on her first trip
abroad. We will take a ferry and go to Denmark for 3-4 days. I bet she
is going to like that.
Ad the next etry will be al hers again, I promise! Cheers, Chris:-)s

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Chris' fun day

HI all:
I need to tell you about gbirthdays once again. I already told you that
my own one is not a big deal, and I really don't miss out on anything
However, human birthdays tend to be something different. For mom's
birthday a while ago we even went upstairs in the middle of the dark
night to give her her present. For Chris' birthday the day started
We went for the Hapoo walk, and then Chris helped mom set up the table.
That lasted longer than usual, and (I was kept out of the business, so I
didn't steel any food.
Chris and the nephew finally cicked Shadow out of bed, and all of us
including mom and myself, went on the balcony. There the humans had
something they call branch or so. They didn't have the branches of
flowers or trees, but instead a large amount of human food. Then we went
into the living room. Again I was to lie quietly on my personally
occupied and invaded carpet, while Chris sat in mom's large chair and
Shadow took her picture. Then she looked at all the things on the table.
She found something that turns paper into plastic, but you can still
read what is written on the paper. It smells a lot when used and gets
warm. I just forgot what it is called. Does it turn bushman noses into
plastic, or bushman mouths? I tend to think that would make Chris really
happy, but she never commented on this glorious idea of mine! Or maybe
the bushman would beat me up for that idea - hide!
Anyways, she also got a necklace. That is what humans call a collar,
which is just more beautiful than that of a dog, and never is a leash
fastened to it!
Shadow gave her a dress, a long silk one. Don't ask me about colours and
beauty - I have no idea! But everybody else says it is beautiful,
including the cousin and her daughter, who saw it later. After all was
looked at, including two yummy smelling cakes, we went downstairs to
relax a little. Then Chris got up, played computer a little and
disappeared in the shouwer. After her it was Shadow's turn. Chris wore
really high shoes that all of a sudden make her taller than Shadow.
But when they left, they did not take me. They left me with mom and the
nephew. Later they told that they had a delicious quiet and probably
romantic fish dinner with each other, and Shadow enjoyed everybody's
looks and glances at Chris. Of course, Chris is always worth looking at!
See, that was her birthday, and all I got for a treat was a couple of
yummy cow bones two days later - allright, better than no bones, who am
I to complain!
By he way, she says she turned three zeros old, which would look
something like this: 000
I am older, I am seven, though it's only one of them, but it's more than
three zeros, at least as far as my number knowledge knows - and that's
no food, mind you!
Cheers for now, Hapoo.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Bushman and the bushes

Hi all:
I haven't updated you much on anything lately, but I have to tell you
about what happened to me yesterday. First of all, I need to mention
that Shadow has been with us for quite a while now. He and Chris and I
went to the city yesterday, and walked and walked and walked around.
From one shop to another, they looked at zillions of handbags and even
Shadow disapeared in one of those rooms where they try on clothes that
they either eventually wear at home or one never sees them again. The
only thing Chris complained about was my dog distraction. I always want
to either play with them or bark and growl at them to leave out of my
territory, and that of Chris and Shadow, of course. She was, however,
proud that I obeyed Shadow's command to sit and down and stay, when
Chris was already In one of those clothes rooms. Cool I am, I know who
is nice and who Chris likes!

In the evening we arrived, and when Chris allowed me to race upstairs, I
met the cousin, who suggested to go swimming. We did, and the folks had
lot of fun. The police cars and the police folks in civil clothes were
everywhere, and they even prohibited Chris from swimming out too far in
the lake. Shadow talked to a lady who told him about a Bush man. She
said that bush man was arriving at the airport, and nobody was to go
near him. Excuse me, who wants to go near a bush man, I wonder! Chris
says she doesn't, and she says if he always causes so much trouble, then
he should stay back home in Bush-land.

While Chris was swimming in the lake, I stayed with Shadow. And when she
came out, he went swimming with the nephew again, and I stayed with
Chris. There were too many people there for me to be allowed to run into
the shallow water, quite unfortunately. After a while even Shadow and
the nephew came out of the water, and we all got back into the car. The
cousin and mom discovered loads of police folks. They saw one counting
how many people we were in the car, and one stopped us. Cousin rolled
down her window, and that man asked what we had done and where we were
going to. Mom apparently had a nice answer for him, for everybody in the
bus burst out laughing.
They made a lot of fun of the bushman and the police people. Chris said
if it cost us taxi payers 20 million euros to keep this buddy happy and
entertained in one of the poorer regions of our country, then why
doesn't he stay at home and have that fun for cheaper!
Anyways, we stopped in the middle of a small country road and all got
out of the car. Chris even let me run off leash for a little while.
Everybody went into the bushes and near a tree, where they picked
delicious sour cherries. When I discovered some lying on the ground, I
immediately started to eat them myself. I just love sour cherries that
have fallen down! Only Chris didn't eat any, she says she is allergic,
whatever that is. Allright, we were at the bushes now, so I went and
explored to see if the bushman would come out. He didn't. Instead I
coughed to get rid of the sour tickle in my throat, which prompted Chris
to put me back into the car. She left the back door open so I could lie
down and look at everybody. I didn't even see a taxi for Chris to pay,
but instead a police car came and one guy got out to ask us where we
were from, whether we were from this region. Chris said yes and asked if
he was, too. He said he wasn't and what we were doing here. We told him
to try the cherries, but he didn't want to. The other man in the car
looked at ours closely, but didn't get off. He might have been afraid of
me looking out the window at him, I'm a guard dog after all!
No bushman still in sight, so we left, and I keep wondering what
happened to him and where he was living. Chris tells me he is living in
the fanciest hotel and she doesn't want to talk about it anymore.
Allright then, my house has been cleaned and a new fluffy cushion put
in, so I'd rather go to sleep than get into trouble, cheers, Hapoo.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

What a night!

<woofwoof> all,
Chris watched football(soccer) last night and says the Germans lost to
those dumb arrogant Italians who didn't deserve to win. She was on her
feet constantly, distracting herself with various things. First she ate
plenty of yoghurt, then she read something, then she played computer,
because the tension was too much to just sit and watch! And then the
Germans lost in the last two minutes of extra time. Thank goodness I had
already had my food, maybe she'd have forgotten to feed me otherwise -
who knows!
And now she says one of the other two remaining teams should capture the
title, not those ones. She also thinks it might not have been the
players but folks behind them who are dumb arrogant <hide> wasn't me who
said that!
Cheers, Hapoo.

Monday, July 03, 2006

A Sunday Monday

Hi all:
They say for humans Sunday is a special day, at least for those who come
from where Chris is from. When Shadow was a child, his special day was
Friday. It has to do with being off school or off work on those days and
having time to di something nice and fun. So while Chris was really busy
cleaning the house yesterday, she didn't do much today.

In the morning we went for an early Hapoo walk, and then just spent the
day lazing. Chris was responsible for today's lunch, she went sunbathing
on the balcony and then even took an afternoon nap. Then mom came
downstairs, they talked through something mom was to prepare, and then
messed around with the telephones and the computer. Finally they decided
to go out for an ice-cream. Before that they decided to let me run off
leash for a while. I spotted two cats and ran after them, but I never
catch them. I only enjoy running after the fleeing creatures. I
immediately did my big business - I enjoy doing it off leash much more -
and then the journey began.

Well you guessed it - first we went for the ladies to have some kind of
roll with raw spiced minced meat and onions - no bite for me, of course.
But the lady behind that counter was wonderful! She gave me a saussage,
one of those that Shadow loves so much. Chris let me have it, for I
wasn't in harness. Then we walked around a little, bought yoghurt for
the humans and a large pot for the sister, and then stopped at an
ice-cream place, where I got some water. The lady there was allowed to
pet me, which I thoroughly enjoyed. During the conversation she
mentioned a Hapoo store tat Chris hadn't been to, so she persuaded mom
to go.

In the Hapoo store - o that's a huge huge one - we passed by the leashes
and the Hapoo food, and then Chris decided to buy me a food bowl bar, so
my bowls are raised fror me to eat and drink. The lady assembled it for
us, for Chris and I are so charming, while we went looking at fish,
mom's pleasure. I love that store, we also got a new cushion for my
house, and finally at the counter a flea collar. And after Chris had
paid the bill, the nice lady asked if I could get a treat. Chris said
yes, for I wasn't in harness, but I had to sit nicely. I sure did, and
then got my treat <yummmm>

When we finally arrived at home, I saw a cat, mom pointed it out o me.
As I was travelling between Chris' feet in the front of the car, she
felt my heart beat faster and louder at the sight of the beautiful chase
toy. Well as I was to get out off the car, the grip on the leash was
tight, and I couldn't take off after the cat I saw I a distance.

But after Chris had settled at home and unpacked everyting, she checked
the height of the food bowls in relation to my muzzle, and then dropped
three delicious yummy treats inside one of them - really cool!
Allright, I think I should beg Chris to give me my food, because she is
planning to travel with me tomorrow - I know that, I feel it! Cheers,