The time with the guests
Hi all:
Have I told you how wonderful it is to be able to show off what you have
Well, a few days ago we had guests. I could see that from the way Chris
had cleaned everything in the house and also prepared the beds. The
guests arrived, a lady and a man. Chris insists that I had met the lady
when I was a jolly young jumper, but I don't remember. So the lady was
fun. She almost immediately went into the kitchen and prepared food for
all of us, while the man petted me loads. I don't think we did much,
they all wanted to relax. Only at night we decided to go out again. I
took the lead towards the crossroad towards our right, where we had
recently picked up mom from the streetcar stop. I was so good, I found
the traffic lights, and we all crossed safely.We went to the city, where
the humans had food, and I lad loads of water. Chris says it was so nice
of the two to invite her.
The next day we went to the beach. Chris and I first walked, and then
when we were not exactly sure where to go, she gave directions, and so
we arrived safely at the beach area. Food first, and then it was beach
time. When there were not many people or dogs around, Chris let me run
off leash a little. They found a little tiny house resting on the beach
sand and sat down in front of it, using it as shelter against the wind.
A lady came up and told us we had to leave, probably because of me. But
Chris told her she never had to leave because of me, because it is
clearly visible that I am a guide dog. And then she said they'd have to
rent one of these little houses, and so they did, but still they did not
like the lady.
Chris can spend hours dozing in the sun, especially in such a tiny
house. Or rather it is a seat for two with a roof on top of it, and you
can adjust it so that it is like a deckchair. Fortunately it was not too
warm all day, so I didn't mind staying there. When it was time to leave,
the ladies and I took the key back to the grumpy lady. Apparently, the
lady wanted to give me some meat to make up, but Chris said it is
nothing for me, because it is too salty. So I got water, but only had a
mouth full of it. The ladies got the Bockwurst instead, Shadow would
have loved it. And the man was a little angry that he hadn't wanted to
take the key back. The old lady was really sorry she had been so unkind
towards us, but Chris said she understoodl. More food, looking at old
houses and small streets, and then back home. O how sleeping was good.
The next day the humans had to decide whether to go to the beach again
or to see mom. I am so happy they decided to see mom! We did. And once
we had arrived at the familiar train station, I raced along the street.
Chris made me stop a few times, so the guests could catch up with me.
Either race or stop, there was no in between. And then we arrived, up
the stairs, open the door, and there was the tiny dog. Cool thing, he's
allright. But he took complete possession of Chris. He followed her
right into the living room and sat on her nees, like he always does. Mom
had made food for the humans, and they ate it all. Then we except mom
went to the church for the guests to look at it. Only the tiny dog had
to wait outside, which he did. Then we walked back, and the cake was
ready. Too bad mom didn't have more time to scratch and pet me - I loved
being back so much! And finally Chris even took the time to walk to the
field route with me, past the annoying little crazy dog and into the
grass, where I could run off leash. She even found a stick, but we only
played with it for a short while, and then it was time to say goodbye to
mom and go back to the city. The guests packed their final things, I
received loads of pets from both of them, and then they left.
Chris says she had a good time with them, and cleaning up afterwards was
worth no mention. We have been spending our days lazing around, Chris
mainly on the balcony, following her beloved tennis. She says that Guga,
the wonderful Brazilian, has said farewell, and her favourite Nicolas
from Ecuador has made it into the third round, where he lost,
unfortunately. But the big spaniard Rafa and the mighty Suiss Roger are
both still going strong. Cheers for now and goodnight, Hapoo.