Yeah right, you are going to kill me for this one, but it was the most
major adventure in our past week, so you gotta know all about it!
We went to the train station, where mom and Chris left the suitcase that
can turn into a backpack under Chris' magical hands in the clauset that
isn't ours. I noticed that Chris dropped oney in there and only then
locked and put the key into her pocket. I remember that she and Shadow
also use these clausets that aren't ours. Alyways, we then went to the
same venue as the day before, only that today it was more packed with
people. Chris said it was ladies' day, so the three of us were allright
in there.
We went with the chair folks again and sat in the second row. But quite
soon somebody asked Chris if she wanted to sit at the barrier, so she
could put her notes thing up there, like she had done yesterday. She was
very happy about that. But besides, before that we went to one of the
small courts again and saw two youngsters playing, as Chris puts it. And
at the big one with the chairs the German day started. In each match
(that's what you call the ball exchanging series) one of the ball
chasers was German. But this time Chris' Alex man wasn't there, or else
I would surely have barked at him.
In the middle they said something about Chris' Alex man through the
noisy speaking things that are installed everywhere, so mom and Chris
and I rushed out and ran all across the place, only to return with
nothing. I am not sure what they were looking for - must've been the
ice-cream that mom bought herself, and the shoes for Chris. O gosh, that
shoe place was sooooooo busy with mainly ladies - incredible! But
although I have to stand on all four and am quite small for them, nobody
stepped on my feet or bumped a bag on my head. Everybody just was amazed
that there was a dog. Yeah, like I was going to be far from Chris!
People, get a grip, I know I'm the cutest, almost best behaved, but
surely loveliest flirt in this part of the world.
After the shoe business was done we rushed back to the big chair place.
We arrived seconds too late, the rope was pulled across, so we had to
wait. Chris even then took out her typing thing and took the scores,
because she says the match had just started. In the middle of the wait
somebody asked if they could pass. Chris pulled me closer towards her,
but the man beside me said that the pusher should be careful and that
Chris was blind. I bet as always he only then saw me, because I am not
at eye level with him. Stupid humans, really - fall over me just because
they can't look! I think if that's the case, everybody should have a
guide dog like me, because everybody is blind like Chris. Makes sense,
don't you think?
After that match was over, something fell into Chris' lap very gently.
She found a ball that was still dusty from play - and she was very happy
to receive it. She even showed it to me but said it was hers, and I had
my tennis ball at home. By now we had made friends with this cool lady
that was sitting beside Chris, she gave Chris another ball. And just as
mom had put the two balls into the backpack, a man from the cameras came
and gave Chris another one. She was really happy.
Then came the match that was to be our final one, because were to catch
our train home. It didn't take long. But once I heard a strange noise
and later found out that the one who was not German had hit Chris right
on the shoulder with a ball. She should have told me, I would've caught
it before and played with it! But she says it had to go back into the
play. The German, mom's favourite of all Germans - she calls him
Haasenvater (raabbit father) had to go and lose the match because he was
sick. Chris says he lost voluntarily - I call that great obedience, and
he surely has deserved himself a click and a treat. But instead of that
people went whistling for him - bad folks, they sure need a good leash
correction from Chris - all of the grumpy ones!
Then our chair friend gave me a final pet, and we left. We went to the
train station, got the bag back from the clauset, the ladies bought
something to eat for themselves, and then we waited for the train.
Back at our home train station we had to walk a little more - I had to
guide Chris - and then we were at the car. We drove and drove, until the
car wanted to drive no more, so we stopped at the side of the road. I
was baffled, but Chris was calm. Soon enough there came the biggest
baddest monster car ever. Mom and the man talked and talked, and then
the bad monster car just ate up our little tiny car. I was so afraid it
could eat me too, I backed up and was really happy Chris was standing
tall and calm and strong by my side and was not a bit scared. The car
was so so huge and we had to get in! So mom got in first and called me
after Chris let me off leash. So I knew if I climb into the car mom will
pet me. Chris sat in the front and enjoyed the ride in the monster car,
but I was so happy when I could get out and found myself at home - home
We went all through the house, switched on the lights for mom, emptied
the mailbox, checked our own part of the house and then found that the
big bad monster car eating car was gone.
I was so so happy to be back at home, I went straight into my crate and
slept. After all, my Hapoo house is the bestest, only when Chris is
around, of course, because Chris is better than anything and anybody!
You know what I'm going to get for dinner tonight? Mashed potatos and
carots. Chris says it's good, I need to lose a bit more of my winter
isolation layer of fat - not fur, unfortunately.
Cheers, Hapoo.