Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Helpful Hapoo

Hi all:
Yesterday was a nice day. In the afternoon we went to do some shopping,
and the supermarket was really empty. Working there was really nice,
easy and enjoyable, probably because both mom and Chris were relaxed.
After we had arrived home, Chris put on my harness, and we walked to the
post office. Chris said I did a perfect job locating the mailbox. Not
long after we were back a car honked outside, and the driver and mom
brought two huge boxes inside. In one there were two Hapoo food bags. In
the other there was more Hapoo food and a few other things. Among them
was a new Hapoo bed for my Hapoo house. I love that one it is very

In the morning, mom had been to the vet with the tiny dog. His leg was
hurting, and Chris says he had feever. Both humans took great care of
him, and initially I had been a little frustrated that they were only
thinking of the tiny one. But he must have been in pain, even though the
vet said that the leg is not broken. He's pretty good at hopping around
on three legs, only he has to be carried up the staircases after he has
been on his busy break. Chris thought he could borrow my tiny mesh crate
- tiny for me, and I don't like it much, but she brought it down from
the cabinet anyway, set it up and took it upstairs. She says the tiny
dog loves to lie in the back corner and sleep there. He no longer sleeps
under mom's bag. So I figure he likes that house.
Then mom came and thought something might be falling down from the
cabinet. She took off her shoes and stood up on the sofa to see what a
box that was. When she came down, there was only one shoe to be found.
Chris even called me to find a shoe near where the couch is, but I
wagged my tail and went straight back to my house after I didn't find a
shoe. I was just trying to help clean up the mess, you know! I thought
if I put the shoe in my house Chris would not step on it! And mom, that
evil mom, laughed !!! Allright, I am going back into my house, cheers

Saturday, November 18, 2006

The doctor trip

Hi all:
Last Tuesday, or that is what Chris is telling me, we drove to the city
in mom's car. When we got off I immediately knew where we were, although
we had not been there for about a year. Yeah Chris, I am better at
directions than you are, cool, eh?
We were at Chris' doctor's place, where, as always, we first went into
that office with the nice ladies that take papers from Chris. Then it
was waiting time ntil the doctor lady called us. I usually lie down in
the middle of the room, while Chris is sitting in that special chair.
The lady doctor looks into her eyes and puts things into them, and then
they talk some more. The lady doctor thinks I am nice, ad so do the
ladies. Of course, when we finally were allowed to leave the place,
Chris allowed a few pets, and then off we went.

When we parked this time, I needed a bit of help to know exactly where
we were at. But then it was clear - the Hapoo vet. We had to wait again.
I found out there was a cat in the examination room, but I didn't do
anything to bother that one. It didn't look like a good toy anyway.
After the cat left it was my turn, but I didn't want to go in, let alone
be lifted on that table. But I have no choice, I quietly give in and
always let Chris lift me up on the table. I immediately sat down and
stayed that way. The lady vet looked at me from all sides. I don't like
that, but she also told Chris a lot of good things about me and that I
was in the best health. I don't mind the vaxination; I never wimper or
shy away - and I never get my temperature taken, what a fortune! Finally
Chris lifted me off the table. When I was younger, I was allowed to jump
off, and that was fun! But now she thinks she has to protect my joints
and my bones - allright, as long as I get off that thing! But that
doesn't mean we can leave - no way! Chris just walks over to the desk
and waits until the lady vet puts a stamp in my Hapoo ID - yes, I, too,
have my very own ID! - and gives Chris a tag and gets some money from
her! And then I can start pulling on the leash and drag Chris out of
that place! I know what always follows a vet visit: Either an off leash
run, provided there is no other dog in sight, or a stop at the nearby
coffee place which Chris finds very cozy and comfortable. That was the
case, and afterwards we went grocery shopping. But since Chris hadn't
slept all that well last night, it wasn't an extensive trip. And of
course: When we came back the tiny dog was all excited and both of us
had a good run.
Currently the tiny dog hops around on three paws. I think he either
lifts the fourth up to greet everybody, or it hurts him seriously. Poor
tiny dog!
Cheers for the moment, Hapoo.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Final continuaton

Well freaks and folks,
One of Chris' email friends has said that she reads my woofertalks blog,
and that has caused Chris to finally give up the keyboard to me. What a
For the day after the cat and hairdresser adventure, we went to the city
by bus - mom, Chris and I that is. The tiny dog had to wait at home, but
they say he is used to that from sister.
The train station was chaotic, and we had to change trains. When we
arrived, we had to find an underground train, and then we walked a
little to get to a hotel. However, we didn't sleep at the hotel, I need
to say in advance.
We went upstairs into a room with high stools and long tables. Slowly
people started gathering, and eventually we were told to go into a room.
I am the nicest woofer on earth, of course. I quietly walked with Chris,
laid still at her feet and didn't even let out one of my groans.
She had to do a test, and a lady helped her mark the letters that Chris
showed with her fingers. The lady told us that the test was good, and
gave me a pet.
Then back outside and a bit of waiting. Quite a few people came up to us
and wanted to pet me, so eventually Chris took off my harness and I went
and offered my beautiful long head for scratches, which I got, of
Inside it was again, for all of the humans to say a few words. I even
stayed quiet when Chris stood up to talk. Usually I think that means
leaving. Am I not good?
Guess what: Outside again to wait, while most of the people left. Mom
wrote down something for Chris again, and while she wrote things for
herself Chris and the boys oposite chatted a bit and had fun.
Gues what was next: inside the room again, only this time just mom,
Chris and I. Our photos were taken, even mine, and then the ladies
talked while I first sat and then laid down.
Finally we were released and walked back home. The ladies bought
themselves food, Chris offered me a drink, but I didn't want any.

The train went smoothly, at least for me. Only at one point we never
moved for quite a while. Chris had fun talking with three girls oposite
the aisle, and she let them pet me, too. She says that electricity had
broken down, which is why we were delayed by an hour. We changed to a
bus before we arrived at the central station. And there I showed off: I
pulled and sped up my tired Chris, into the train station, out the other
end and then followed mom like the pro that I am. I even anounced curbs
until we were at the car.
Back at home the tiny dog came, and so we walked down the field route
again. And then it was time for a peaceful night in the Hapoo house for
And next time I kidnap the keyboard, I will be telling you all about my
vet visit.
Cheers, Hapoo.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Somebody stop her!!!!!

Hi folks:
Hands and paws up - somebody, please please, stop her from using the
So much has happened the past days, and she virtually confiscates the
computer! How can I get her off it! Even asking for pets doesn't help,
she will just send me to my Hapoo house!

I'll cheat, however, and write my update in short little snippets, so I
don't waste too much of her time!

Imagine: It is a week ago that we went to the city - allright, almost,
but week almost hits it! We went there for mom and Chris to go to the
hairdresser. I have never been to that hairdresser shop thing, but it's
okay. All I know is that in this mini mall where the hair guys are
there's a Hapoo store upstairs, but we didn't even get near the
staircase! The ladies liked the hair shop, they say the atmosphere was
nice, and they waited in a comfy lounge setting until the girls had time
to do their hair. First it was mom's turn. And while she was away, I
spotted a little tiny puppy that had come to visit. Lady puppy was only
nine weeks old, but Chris says very lively and very well-behaved.
I even was allowed to greet the little one, and I even let her jump up
on me, even let her paw my most gorgeous chest fur! Only every now and
then I gave her a gentle grumble to tell her it was enough. But she was
too cute!
Chris knealt down to play with her, and she immediately rolled over for
belly scratches and paw wrestles. She managed to climb into Chris' lap
and found my Hapoo treat bag which always goes with the clicker. Chris
told the little one that she wasn't going to get any Hapoo food, but
that didn't impress her much.
It took forever until Chris was done with her hair, too, but both she
and mom say the girls did a great job in little time, and both enjoyed

We did another stroll through the city, where Chris had to do a few
things and mom shopped for small things, and then it was back to the
train station. There were many noisy people there, Chris says they were
all fans of our soccer team, which she likes, too. She and I made it
through the noise and the people right to the other end of the tunnel
and then out the door and to the bus stop. She was impressed both with
me and with the behaviour of the noisy ones, because nobody tried to
bother me or step in our way. Cool folks, eh?

-allright, that's it for now, hope to snap the keyboard from Chris soon,

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Me again - I did it

Hi all:
Chris says since she has some time till mom comes down for breakfast, I
can tell you all this following story.

The morning before the hairdresser's and the cute puppy, we went for the
woofer walk. Well, sister's dog is still here, even though sister left
quite a while ago. But he is tiny and mainly mom's dog and lives
upstairs with her, so I don't really mind.
After that morning I had done my big and small businesses, we were on
the way back and I was off leas. Yippee, I spotted a cat and ran as fast
as the wind to catch her. I ran almost the distance of the entire road,
which must've been some 300 meters. But as always, the cat had fled to
the tree, and that is where I have to give up. Unfortunately, my paws
aren't made to climb trees. Plus Chris called, and that means you'd
better run back as fast as you left!
Okay, I came back without my collar, I had left that somewhere in the
grass after getting caught somewhere. Chris says that's not bad and I
didn't get scolded for losing the collar.
She says it is good I had a flat nylon on that wasn't put on too tight,
so I could slip out of it in case of emergency like this. And it's only
good I wasn't hurt or harmed.
Anyways, mom even found the collar when she walked alone with the tiny
dog, and that's what I am wearing again.
Cheers, Hapoo.