Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What a busy weekend!

Hillo there, are you still alive?
I certainly am, and I love it when things happen. Chris says she was happy to have a longer weekend when her last day of work was over. She and I got into a lady's car, a friend at work she is, and she always comes to pet me. We drove to the store we always go to, where you find tons of tables, beds, chairs and whatever else dogs don't really need. We didn't go there, but instead we walked into the restaurant area, where the humans got themselves some food, and then we found a nice table. I lay there and relaxed, while the humans talked and talked. Then, as always, we went downstairs, and the ladies had fun exploring the shelves full of a lot of htems no dog needs. Chris bought a metal can, like the one she already has. She says it'll be a present for somebody, and the friend held a pillow in her hand she wanted to buy. Chris told her it was very nice, and later she wrote and said that it really was, and that Chris should have bought herself one, too. But she says she has enough pillows.
The next day started quietly, Chris relaxed in the morning and then slept in the afternoon, she says she really needed it. And then she talked on the phone a lot, and then finally Daniel showed up - really cool! The two sat and talked, Chris had food and Daniel didn't, because he says he has had enough at work. When he was gone, Chris played a little on her computer, and then we both went to sleep fairly early.
The next morning was allright, but then Chris started walking around and checking her clauset for clothes, put some on and exchanged them with others. I knew something was going to happen, so I lay at the front door, waiting for her to pick up a leash. She did, and this time it was the flexible leash. Outside Daniel arrived, and I got into the car. Chris did, too, and we drove to his parents' house, where I met Basti the cool dog. I wanted to really play wrestling with him, but he barked at me, he didn't seem to like it. Outside they have a pond with fish moving inside it. i really wasn't sure if i could drink that water with the fish in it, so i didn't.
The humans had food and wine, and Chris says it was as delicious as at Micki's place. And then Daniel started leaving, and Chris followed him. I wanted to follow, too, but Chris took me inside, let me wait there and disappeared. I wonder where she went to without me. I stayed at the door for a while, but then the parents took me and Basti for a walk. I was even let loose in the field, and o joy, did i have run running around! They were amazed at how fast I can run, I can, and it's fun!
Back inside the house the mom went upstairs to take a nap, so I checked if I could sneak upstairs without being caught, and looked at her until she got up. Later Chris and Daniel returned, and i was really happy to see them back. I jumped on the couch at once, but Daniel sent me off, telling me that Chris was there and sie did not like me on couches all that much. I found out that they had gone to a large arena with lots of noise, and watched a football game. Daniel watched in his wheelchair, and Chris got a device that connected her to a man describing what was happening on the field. She says the match was of high quality, and that our team won, the weather was great and the afternoon was fantastic.
Back home we went for the dog walk, and then Chris cleaned a little, and then the doorbell rang. She sent me to my place, and then I saw the big boss with his big dog Gina. She is something like a St. Bernard or so, but her name is not Bernard, but Gina. I tried to play with her, but she always growls at me, even when I am the nicest little Quito on earth. Finally we both settled, and I stayed quietly on my dog bed, while the humans were cooking food in the kitchen. Chris says it was wonderful, tasted good and the company was great. Then they came back into the livingroom, sat down and talked a lot, before the big boss and Gina left.
Chris cleaned up again, and then she picked up the phone and did not finish until a lot later. She was talking with a friend in Spain, and they apparently had to catch up on a lot of things.
Yesterday in the morning she was tired, but I wasn't. She says my guiding work was excellent, and so we started the work day. In the middle of it I wanted to see where the big boss was going, so I walked down the central aisle, until somebody took my leash and brought me back. From then on Chris made sure to check on me all the time. I think the bell is also returning back on the collar. After the workday was over, we went to the little car parking area, where I ran a little and then spotted two ladies. They said hello to Chris, and apparently they had wanted to meet. I was put in the back of a car that smelled like another dog, and then we went to the store with useless items again, and to the restaurant area again, where the humans talked and the dog lay watching the world. Back at home Chris talked a lot with Daniel, until she was too tired. She really slept long last night, and she says she is back to normal and ready for the tasks that await her. So am I, of course, but the difference between me and her is that I don't know what's coming up, but she does.
Keep waiting for adventures, cheers, Quito.

Friday, September 24, 2010

long time no see...

Hello all friends and fellow furries:

It's been ages since Chris let me on the PC, I am so so sorry for her lack
of considderation and kindness. she says she is sorry, too, but she has just
gotten over intensive work and loads of reading ooks. Well if that's what
you call it ...

She spent most of her computer time in the office room making noise. She
took a book, placed it on a window, closed a lid on top of the book and then
ordered that machine to make loads of noise. In regular intervals she opened
the lid, messed around with the book and made noise again. She calls this
scanning, so she can later read the books. She must have loads of them, her
bookshelves are full, and on her desk and the dog food freezer there are

Well, of course in the meantime many things have happened, but I cannot
remember them all. once Micki arrived with a lady I didn't know, but the
lady was allright. She let me sniff her and also gave me pets. But when they
both left, Micki and Chris went into the basement to sort out my stored
food, and the lady took my leash and we waited outside. I was not sure this
was the right thing to do, so I was quite relieved Micki and Chris came back
outside and Chris went for a walk with me. Chris says the lady is the sister
with the little Rudi dog. Ah well, if that's she, then she should invite us
to her place again, so Rudi and I can play and run through the fields.

One other morning I spotted a cat and wanted to take off after it, but Chris
held on tight to the flexible leash and scared me mighty with her voice.
hmmm, i suppose that cat chasing effort wasn't a particularly excellent
The other time I found a stick, picked it up and thought Chris would play
with me, but she didn't notice I had it with me. So I put it right in front
of the entrance door, because I know sticks aren't supposed to go inside the
house. When we left the house through the same door, she found it and had a
big smile on her face.

Then the past two days at work were interesting. We started off normal, but
then a lady arrived. She first said hi to Chris, and then she and I looked
at each other. I wasn't sure what to think about her, but when Chris told me
to say hi, I did and she was allright with me, and I was with her. We then
went into one of the rooms where we don't go too often. It was just the
three of us, and the humans had coffee and sweets. And then came a lot of
human talking. They claim they worked, but they also laughed a lot.

When we finally left the room, Chris took her small phone to its place, and
then we left for the car parking area, where she let me run and play. But
the lady did not want to play with me. Then we went into her, the lady's,
car, and went to somewhere I have no idea. We took an elevator and ennded up
in a restaurant high above the city. We were given a table which had Chris'
name somehow connected to it. They both liked it, as it had a lot of space
for me to lie, and it also had a bowl of water waiting for me - how cool!
The ladies had champaign or so, and then they went back and forth between a
bufet and the table, leaving me waiting at the table. They say it was a
wonderful experience, because they picked up their ingrediences and the
chefs fried them for them and took them back to the table for the ladies to
enjoy. The talking and laughing continued, and finally we went back home.

Yesterday things continued the same way. First we, Chris and I, went to
work, and later the lady joined us. The two talked on the phone, and Daniel
also came to say hi - hhow cool. And after the phone talk Chris took me
outside to the car parking area, and then we went into the separate room
again. After a while the boss joined us and they all talked. And shortly
after the boss left, the ladies got up, too, and said goodbye. i think I
love the lady. Chris says that she will be her new second boss, which is
cool. We will meet her again in two weeks, and also a lot of other folks.

The weather was great, Chris says, so we went home, she worked some more,
and afterwards she sat on the balcony and slept there a little, like she
used to do in the great heat of the summer.

I love my life, it is wonderful for sure. Yesterday Chris did something
else. She brought out a huge bowl of water that didn't smell like dog water.
Then she took a stick with a cloth at its lower end, and made it swirl all
around the floor. And where it had gone, there was the smelly water on the
ground. Then she changed the cloth on the stick and dried up most of the
water again. She calls that cleaning. Well if I want to clean something, I
simply use my tongue!

Cheers, Quito.

Monday, September 13, 2010

The trip abroad part two

Well Chris slept pretty well. After she got moving, Petra came and we went
for the morning walk. And then they left me alone in the room and went
somewhere. When they came back, Chris smelled like strange water. She says
she was swimming in the pool downstairs. She took a shower, got dressed and
then we met Petra and went for breakfast, human breakfast that is. Then came
a day full of many humans listening to one. Petra was not at all feeling
well, so Chris asked another lady if she wanted to go to the beach with us.
That beach trip was great fun, although Chris had to convince somebody that
I could go to any beach with her, dog beach or no dog beach. Well I used the
beach to do my business, and Chris made sure to collect after me. Peta was
grateful she had a longer break.

That afternoon after all the talking and studying, we went for a really long
walk - the weather was beautiful. Petra wanted to find a viewpoint, and I
had the chance to run free. Finally we ended up on a path along the beach.
The humans had a good time climbing up and down hills and old wooden stairs
or steps. Chris says that was tough, and because I like to pull, she handed
my leash over to Petra, so she herself could focus on walking, and not on
falling. The day ended calm and quiet in the room.
The following day after work we walked that route again, but this time
accompanied by many others. They continued towards the rocky part of the
road, but the three of us took the easy road back. on the way I met a bitchy
little dog. First she wanted to sniff, and then she bit my nose, bitch! But
then I met a cool other guy who wanted to play, but Petra said it was time
to go home, while Chris was talking on the phone. That day she made a lot of
phone calls anyway.

Then the next day nothing major happened; after the working we went into the
tiny city, and Chris found out that one of our waitresses in the hotel has a
son who went to school with her, three years later though. The next morning
the bags were packed, and Chris carried the huge one downstairs, and Petra,
who had caught a heavy cold by now, put it back into the car, followed by
the harness. In the classroom they had huge candle holders with candles
burning, because there was no electricity in that building - one cable must
have been damaged. They say it was romantic, but I didn't care. Soon
everybody said their goodbyes, one final lunch for the humans and a little
dog walk, and then we went home.

We stopped at Petra's home, so she could clean the car, and I met Petra's
little dog again, but she was sleepy and did not like me to be there. Well
we left, and when we were home it was heaven for sure. I like to be back at
home and have my own bed and the routines, though they turned to very quiet,
because had to watch the smallballs flying again.
Cheers for the moent, Quito.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

A week abroad

Chris is laughing:
"It isn't abroad, silly, just because we crossed the water!"

Allright, whatever. I mean we weren't at home, and the journey did take us
across water. Last week we did not go to work, but Chris ran around and
packed a bag with loads of stuff. And when the doorbell rang, it was Petra
greeting us, and we got into a car with her. Then a long drive began, we
crossed a bridge at one time, they said it was a fairly new bridge over to
an island they call Rügen, which is very famous for its cliffs and huge
chalk rocks. I saw the cliffs, but not the chalk. We drove some more, took a
break, during which I sniffed out a grass patch and the ladies had
sandwiches, and then drove on.

We arrived and went into a room which was cool. I saw a food bowl and a
blanket the folks had put down just for me - how wonderful! Chris was
delighted to see the room, which was a little like an apartment she says.
Not really. The room was about as large as our livingroom at home, and there
was an entrance room and a bathroom. Chris insists that this was one of the
larger hotel rooms she has seen, very nicely furnished and it even had a
balcony. Now that was really beautiful. Petra loved the seaview, which must
have been magnificent, and Chris was excited about the shining sun, which
floodded the space with the light and warmth she so loves. And I simply like
being outside.
Petra left, and then somebody knocked on the door. It was a man I didn't
know. He brought Chris' suitcase and entered the room before Chris. I
growled a little and wanted to slip past Chris, but I really had to take a
sniff to see who he was. And I have to admit that I really didn't mind him
petting me. From then on I think we were friends, and Chris jumped with joy,
because he did exactly what she wanted him to do, step back at the right
time, but come up to me at the right moment to show me, so she says, tha
growling doesn't get me anywhere. Well, I sure did not manage to scare the

Then Petra came back, and we walked around a little, even visited her room.
It was in another house across the street, not as large but also nice, and
with a balcony, too. Then finally we walked into another lobby, where a few
people were waiting, and we joined them. Then more amd more arrived, the
humans had a drink and we walked into the room with tables and chairs, water
and papers and books. One lady talked, and then the others took turns
introducing themselves. Chris says that was a training course that would go
on for the rest of the week.

Afterwards we went into the food area, where I collected a few corrections
for sniffing, and where Chris really enjoyed herself. She says the food was
good the first days, and very delicious. one of the last days it was not fun
anymore, but apart from that she enjoyed it.
Then we took another little walk to the beach, where I ran free a little and
jumped and had fun. The ladies did, too, because they both love the beach.

And as always, I will leave you now, so Chris can enjoy listening to the
invisible Chris' voice, coming out of the TV, and you just have to wait for
the rest of the cool story.
Cheers, Quito.

Saturday, September 04, 2010

wild vacation

Well i have come up with a solution.
The past week, the name ofanother Chris has been mentioned by Chris quite
often. it is apparently belinging to a voice that comes out of various
boxes - the big voice box under the picture with the huge things that
actually release the voice, the little voice box by the TV, as the picture
box is called, and out of the TV itself - and sometimes even out of the
computer, which I use to write to you.
Strange voice spredding, if you ask me.

Well things started getting more Chris-struck when Sophia arrived, a very
patient lady I have not seen before. She let me sniff her out the first
night we met, and that was quite a nice thing to let me get to know her my
Quito way.We had wonderfully long walks one day, we walked to the beach side
where the boads disappear under my feet and come back on the other side of
the road. and then we walked home from the train station - how cool - and
the weather was wonderful.
The next morning, however, it was raining like hell. Chris got an umbrella,
a plastic bag, put me on leash and we walked the morning route. But instead
of going back upstairs, we waited for somebody. O what a thrill when Daniel
came! Chris put me in the back of the car and gave Daniel my bag. There was
my food in it, that's for sure. But who cares for food, when one has to find
out that Chris is not getting in at the front? She walked back home, and
Daniel left with me. We went to work without the harness.

Daniel took me everywhere with him, he let me sleep on my place and sat at
Chris' desk. Not too bad, because everything is as usual and I like Daniel.
He took me to the meeting and into the cafeteria. Occasionally he ran over
my food with his wheelchair, because I had so much fun jumping and running
all around him, well my fault I guess, but being with Daniel is a lot of
leisure and pleasure.

When Daniel moved to a different desk, he made me stay at my place, and Eric
arrived. Allright, I know him, and as long as somebody is there, I am
allright. But when Eric left, I went and looked around for somebody to be
with, and so Daniel let me stay with him. We went outside again, and then
the cool thing happened.

Another colleague of Chris' and Daniel's came and brought her little puppy
dog. And she was fun fun fun!!! We played, wrestled, romped. Outside in open
space I was way faster than she, even though she ran the inner circle. But
inside Daniel's apartment she was ahead of me, because it is narrow there,
and she could slip through smaller gaps and get away. O Lotte is great fun.
I tried to cover her up, but she always got away, and then we played more.
We just couldn#t stop!

I stayed with Daniel until the next morning, when he took me to work again.
We even went outside to the parking lot where Chris lets me run, and we
barked at each other and I jumped and ran and had funfunfun once again. I
then lay by Daniel, because it is nice there, and I even got it that with
him I needn't pull, but walk beside his outer wheel instead. Clever, am I

Chris arrived, and with her two other people - no idea who they were. Chris
says it's the sound engineer and his lady. The man immediately cuddled me -
well I was surely taken by surprise. But when we went outside and Chris let
me run, he tried to run after me, and I didn't like it much. He tried to
touch me again, and I sure was not amuse, I stepped back and Chris harnessed
me up. I want to choose my own friends, hear me?

The man heard and left, but I think Chris likes him and his lady. She says
he has brought her a record player. Indeed, things got crazy with the
annonymous, invisible, mysterious Chris.

All the time they asked how it was with him, and all the time Chris smiled
and said it was good. She also says she had brought him two presents and he
took them from her. Well excuse me, aren't humans supposed to accept
presents out of politeness anyway? So I simply think that mystery man was
simply polite, not a big dea.

However, at night when we returned, Sophia was there still, how nice, and
the apartment was good to have back. Chris says Sophia was her angel, and
the place was clean and tidied up better than Chris could ever have done.
Apparently the two ladies had had breakfast with the sound engineer and his

Sophia, too, talked about the invisible Chris and how good last night had
been. Well if it was so good, why on earth did you not take me along, huh?
Chris just tells me that my ears would've hurt, and I wouldn't have enjoyed
it half as much as she did. Plus the invisible Chris would not have greeted
me anyway. Yeah right, he kisses your hand and you believe he wouldn't play
with me? Humans, o these humans! I think everybody would be up for a great
energetic run with me, at least Daniel and Petra and all!

The next morning we left without Sophia, Chris says Sophia needed to sleep
after having been at the beach again. In the morning she also took care of
some guy repairing the windows or so (no idea, not my business), and then
the sound engineer brought something for Chris. And that was when Chris
found out that one of her sisters, the one who has little fun Rudi with her,
was at the hospital and things had looked very scary. When we came home in
the afternoon, no Sophia was there. But when we went to sleep at night, the
little bear was there, one makeshift bear it is, that Chris likes, but not
as she likes me, she says. But before that we were at another beach with a
cool man, the big tall boss, and they talked and I went sniffing around on
leash. I still don't have a reliable recall Chris says - yeah why should I,
when sniffing and watching is far more interesting than returning when

Well at night the invisible Chris was haunting me again, he sang out of the
big voice box in the livingroom, and Chris kept carefully juggling with
plastic disks I have never seen before. Maybe if she played frisbee I would
like them, but she threatens, dare I touch her records! Allright allright,
she can be furious for sure, I know that!

But for now, she says, I have been wonderful and nice and silly this
morning, running full speed through a major puddle so that everybody thought
it had rained outside - o that was loads of fun! Ant upstairs at work I had
to play some more, just to get rid of my energy!
Cheers for now, I've got to go and probably won't be back until next week,