Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I love playing!

Oh my goodness,

Chris is in the mood of educating me again. Sometimes it is fun, because
it involves play. Sometimes, however, it is really frustrating.

Two nights, just imagine, we went downstairs for the evening walk. The
strange thing was that the doorbell rang, and instead of just picking up
the phone by the door, talking and opening the door, she put me on the
flexible leash and I raced her downstairs.

The consequence was that I had to return a few steps, stand still and
then pretend to be a civilized dog with manners. I pretended until Chris
opened the door and I saw the friend of hers. I was going to greet her
first, but Chris sat me down. The friiend aproached us, so I jumped up

Chris didn't have any of that this time. The friend stepped back, I had
to siit down, and Chris made sure I remained that way until the ladies
had said their hellos. I mean, hello, I am the bestest helllo kisser and
jumper ever on the planet! Boy o boy, it is tough to pretend to be a
well-mannered Quito sometimes.

Then we went for the walk, and there was this little puppy running all
aroound. The little bug dried to snap at me, but I just turned my head,
and Chris told me to sit, until her humans had made her chase a ball
again. Along the route I tried to play and jump on the friend, but Chris
kept me away from jumping, what a shame! So I jumped on Chris and played
tug with her and my leash. That, I tell you, is a fun game.

On the way back we stopped at the friend's car, and I thought I could
jump and dive in so we'd go somewhere interesting. Not this time either,
but instead the friend retrieved a bowl with sweet smelling stuff in it,
of which I wasn't going to have any, but they say it was delicious.

Back upstairs and home, the friend gave me a great snuggling session,
which I really enjoyed, and then the two hid in the kitchen, which is a
no Quito zone. I know from earlier experience that whenever I step
inside a thunder slams Chris' foot down on the floor with a huge bang,
and I am flying out of the room and right onto my mat. I don't know why
her foot makes such horrible noises, but I think iit is better to keep
out of the kitchen.

They had great smelling food, talked and laughed a lot and talked some
more, and the sweet smelling stuff was so yummy that they couldn't stop
eating. At one point I saw Chris retrieve a bottle from somewhere, it
smells of nothing, but she claims it is wine, and it is delicious. I
know what's inside when she pours it into a glass, but I am sure it
tastes no good, jjust like her favourite coffee <brrrrr>

Do I need to mention that Mr Voice was on her phone after the friend had
given me a final huge cuddle and left? This time, however, the Mr
Voice's voice came out of the phone with a loud and clear voice, and I
could position him beside her head, as she lay in bed. How does she do
this? How can she change Mr Voice's appearance? I meann I know how she
carries her telephone, but why can I sometimes hardly hear him, and then
again very clear? Telephones and Mr Voice are a huge mystery!

Yesterday at work I saw Daniel the wonderful. I was going to attack and
drown him in my joy and involve him in play, but Chris - as you guessed
it - wasn't fond of it. She made me pretend again. Sit down, keep
sitting and behave! Behave - Chris you don't know what you are asking of
me, really! I did kiss Daniel, and my tail was going wild, but I had to
sit and not jump. And when we saw him again in the cafeteria, I was
allowed to do anything, as long as I remained calm and kept on track
while walking.

Today, however, Chris brought out the tennis ball, let it bounce around
the corridor and let me chase it. I brought it back to her, sat down and
gave it back in exchange for a click and a treat. Sometimes the treat
was not handed to me, but the ball kept flying. And then, would you
believe it?, she found the rope. I was going to play hard tug, but Chris
threw it away for me to retrieve and hand back. Then she made me sit,
threw the rope and only then gave me the go to retrieve it. Only at the
end of the session did we play tug, I love it, and then again I was
asked to release the rope when she told me, rewarded with a treat. Then
I was sent to my place, and the rope disappeared.

I hope Chris will remember the rope more often now, it is great fun!

Keep playing, enjoy the spring and don't forget about me, cheers, Quito.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

I played a great trick!

Hello again:

Please forgive me for not posting too often. Chris is to blame, for she
is always busy doing other things on the computer, or she is on the
phone, or she is relaxing ...

Well, that's life, I suppose.

However, a couple of nights I played a marvelous trick on somebody.
Chris let me run free in the new parking lot - as the old spot is being
occupied by huge construction machines, and blocked by a fence. I had
fun running , but suddenly I spotted somebody coming to pick up his car.
I focused and then ran towards him. He raised his arms, and I thought
that was a chance to jump up and play with him. However, he didn't seem
to like it, so I charged around the parking lot a few times before
finally returning to Chris.

Chris was not amused, the man was a little scared of me, and I didn't
return when called. Well okay, I should have, but running was wonderful,
and I really thought the man was going to play with me. From then on
Chris kept me on leash most of the time, and she is making it a point to
call me towards her more ofte, so I am reminded where to go. Oh, I think
recall is not going to be my great strength.

Yesterday Micki came by and we went for the dog walk together. I
attempted several times to jump up on Micki, but Chris did not let me
and stopped me before I could succeed. In return, I was allowed to play
with Chris, and we had a good time. We went shopping again, and
afterwards, o boy, was I tired. I think so were the ladies, but Chris
stayed awake for a while after, so she could talk with Mr Voice.
Today was her sleeping day, and I think she is going to sleep some more,
and she is telling me that tomorrow we will be having a guest - not The
Voice though, unfortunately.
Cheers for the moment, Quito the Jolly Jumper.

Monday, March 14, 2011

I am three years old now!

Hi there, woofs and words, and Voice!

I am three years old now, Chris tells me, but I don't see a difference.
However, this morning I was a little startled - it was raining. Can't
remember when it has last rained here. I remember snow, but rain? Chris
gave me time to sniff out the ground - smells really interesting after
rain, that's for sure.

She says on human birthdays humans get presents and telephone calls, but
I get birthday greetings and an extra pad on the head - fine wiith me -
I don't see the difference.

I do, however, remember Chris' birthday. She did not get many presents,
but I remember she and Micki and the sister and the niece and I went out
to a near restaurant.

It is also about the time when I met Chris first, so she says it is time
to look back. Let's see!

I remember when Chris was put in charge of me, I wasn't exactly happy.
She had a different way of communication than my coach, but it looked
like I was meant to stay with Chris. She fed me, played with me, and
also gave me work to do. We went on long train rides and I met
interesting people. She watched the flying balls on TV, and I was
allright just relaxing in summer. Then we took a plane to another city,
and that, too, was wonderful. We went to another furniture that looked
just about like ours.

Then we travelled to see the balls flying right in front of our eyes and
noses, but I couldn't catch them. The sport was for the humans to catch,
not for me, unfortunately.

One night I stayed with Daniel, becauuse Chris and another friend went
to hear noisy music. In autumn we took another plane to a place called
Oviedo Spain, where Micki and Chris and I stayed with a cool lady called
Ilka and her son. That was a fun journey, indeed.

In winter we had the massive snow-falls, and Chris was really proud of
me. I noticed that she really had to rely on me in the blizzards, and so
I did live up to the challenge and guided her safely - just why did they
put a pile of snow around the traffic light poles?

Finally the friend Silke moved in and out - I like her loads - and the
marathon talks with Mr Voice started.

I met very wonderful people, too. Micki and the sister are great. The
sister plays wonderfully, I love it! And Micki lets me jump up on her
and is always happy to see me. Then there is the big boss who always
sneaks me a treat or two, and laughs at me when I bounce and Chhris is
reall firm with me.

Of course, there's the cool Daniel on wheels. It is my duty to clean his
eyeglasses, and when I lay down I make sure to block his wheel so he
cannot move away. He also has a cool dog with him sometimes, and I find
his house all by myself. Petra is at work, and Angelique, who always
comes to pet me. Occasionally we meet other people that we go out with.
I have learnt not to growl at strangers, because I have accepted that
Chris is in charge of them and I am to keep my nose out of her business,
unless I am called.

I have learnt a few other skills, too. I have a food machine that
release small portions of kibble when I press down a handle, and a food
cube that pours kibble when I toss it all across the livingroom. I can
retrieve my signal jacket and collar and take them to Chris,bark on
command and even ride escalators - if I absolutely have to, that is.

That is my year with Chris, and spring is here and I love it! For the
next year, I want to go to the beach with the big boss, play climb on
shoulders with Daniel, play runrun with the sister, jump with Micki,
meet the Voice and, most of all, stay with Chris, because I am destined
to stay with her and help her and have her help me, too. She's cool,
that is for sure.

And I hope, if lady Hapoo looks down on me, she is not too angry that it
is me now who is helping Chris - better me than no one, right, Hapoo?

Cheers, enjoy the spring and be happy, Yours, bouncing, Quito the
Capital dog.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Hello? Hello?

<woofwoof> I am here and puzzled beyond limits.

Voice, where are you? How can a spooky absent voice do so much to Chris?
Voice, will you explain?

Firstly, she states you have a good voice. Well yoou sound friendly and
calm, allright, but what do I know?

Secondly, you are a person behind the voice - where are you! You send
her text messages, and she will almost immediately reply. She has got me
so far that I alert anybody to her SMS tone. Just this afternoon, for
example, we were out in the city with Micki. We walked into a place
where Chris put me down by Micki, and then she was taken to a chair by a
lady who messed around with her hair. In the middle of that procedure I
heard her message tone, because Chris had left her mobile phone with
Micki. Micki didn't know, but when Chris came back and Micki reported to
her that I had gotten up and made noises, Chris checked the phone and
found an SMS there.

She says, however, that this one was not from you for a change, but from
another good friend, who had been taken to hospital and informed her of it.

Thirdly, I do think that you have a magical voice. It escapes me to
think what your magical power is, but I see it in Chris. When she hears
you she sits back, relaxes and smiles. Most of the time she will only
talk to you and not do anything else besides, like shhe would sometimes
with other folks on the phone.

Lately, when you finish talking to her, she sits back, smiles and dreams
a little more. She says she is longiing for you ...

Wait a second here! She is longing for you, though you present yourself
to her on the telephone for quite some time? She should be fed up with
you instead! Just imagine I would bark for as long as you tallk to her -
she'd call the trainer for advice on how to fix the problem!

Voice, I think I should growl at you for a change! I am curious to see
the person behind you, so I, too, can judge whether I would like you or
not. If not, I will just leave you alone. If yes, I think we're up for
some great fun.

It also seems like you have a name. She mentions one name very often,
and I assume it is yours, because you talk so often to her.

This afternoon, after the hair messing procedure, we walk to the
shopping street, and into a high end price clothes store, Chris says.
Micki discovered a few tops, a lady helped choose a few more. Then we
walked into an elevator and on the upper floor Chris and I wet into
another cabin, where she put me down and started clothes juggling again.
I lay there quietly, even when she left to show herself to the clothes
selling lady. I like it that Chris keeps me with her, and of course, I
like watching what she does. She says you might like the clothes she has
chosen, but maybe not? How can a voice like clothes, I wonder?
Well, she described them to you later on the phone, but I don't think I
grasped what you said, because I was tired and didn't listen up so

Then we went by car to the vet's. I saw two cats in crates, but I didn't
even try to bother them. We went into the office that I don't like, and
the man had Quito food for me - yummy, I was hungry! He bent down and I
was quite suspicious. Chris knealt down with me, too, took my head into
her hands and petted me. And once I felt the stinging of a needle,
everything was past already, and Chris says that was my vaxination shot.
The vet must've thought I was a good girl, because he rewarded me with a
few more treats.

Yesterday after work Chris and I took a long stroll in the car parking
lot where she lets me run free. At one point I spotted a friend, ran to
her and only came back to Chris upon the third call. We went to a shop
where they display loads of plants and other stuff that has to do with
plants. I like the smell of that place, but Chris wouldn't let me smell
much. She only bought one flower, and she says it is for you.

Hold on, a flower for a voice? O heaven, what on earth is she talking
about? Is she losing her mind? Why does a voice need a flower? Besides,
the flower is still here and you are not! What are you about, voice?

Oh well, I think I will like you in the end, when you have a face and a
smell and a hand to lick - simply because Chris is so positive about
you, and I don't think she would be positive about anybody who would to
me or her any harm. Until then, however, beware that I will be keeping a
close ear on you - woof!

Saturday, March 05, 2011

She's behaving ...

Hi everybody:

Generally, last week was an easy one. Chris spent Sunday lying on the
couch. Monday Micki came to work. When I spotted her, I ran to greet
her, but Chris called me back to my place <oof> However, when I was
permitted to go, I rann like a rocket, jumped up on Micki, played tug
with my leash and had Micki take me to the couch corner, where we waited
for Chris to finish work. Then we went shopping, and it took a while
until I calmed down and stopped sniffing shelves and people. But by the
end of the shopping trip I was really tired and even lay down while we
were waiting in line to have our items in the basket checked.

The next day in the morning I heard my favourite boss speaking and
greeting us, and wanted to run to greet him. Chris, however, insisted I
go to my place. She took off my harness and then let me run to greet him
- and I ran top speed to say hi. After a while Chris called me back, and
things were back to normal. We all went into the cafeteria, where
various people held speeches and I was llying under the table, so nobody
would step on my paws or tale. And then things were back to normal.

Chrs started cleaning her apartment, because the next day the boss came
to visit, and brought his dog Gina with him. She's a cool old lady. She
doesn't want to play much anymore, but she is kind and easy-going. I
tried to get her to play a little, but when I was reminded the second
time to go on my bed, I stayed there, while Gina lay down by the balcony
door. The humans disappeared in the kitchen - the no dog zone - had
dinner and then finally moved over to the couch, where they talked some
more and occasionally petted the two ofus woofs. But of course, we got
no human food.

Well, there is one strange thing about Chris recently. While she never
forgets to take care of me, she recently has started to look after her
mobile phone. It is to stay with or near her all the time, so she
doesn't miss calls or text messages or whatever. And at night, when we
are going to sleep, at one point at night a text message will arrive.
Then she will wake up, grab the phone, and then it's talk time with a
man. She insists I have never seen him - allright, but then why does she
talk to him so much when I have not yet approved his company? Is this
yet another Chris is the master thing, where I am not asked anyway? But
what if he ddoesn't like me or her?

Chris doesn't seem to believe that is the case. When she talks she is
relaxed and in a good mood, smiles like the sun and is only ears and
voice. And when a text message arrives during the day, she also smiles
and is happy. I have never seen her in such good mood, and I wonder why
this is. And why can a telephone become so important all of a sudden?

She laughs, is an energy booster, higs me more often than usual, and I
can play and jump when we go outside. I really love it when she is in
such mood. And if it has to do with the secret voice from the telephone,
then I hope iit will always be in the telephone, never disappear or tell
her bad words. And if it should ever happen to walk out of the phone and
meet the two of us, then I think I'll make sure I am still the one who
cares for Chris, and not the man behind the voice. Or so II think,
because it is clear that Chris has a mind of her own and will put us all
in place. And if she thinks the voice can also give me commands, then
I'd better obey, I think. Or maybe the voice is a cool play-mate like
Daniel, and I can jump and give my tongue a bit of rotation exercise -
now that'd be cool - or take long walks and have fun!

Please, voice, can we do that, when you happen to become a real person,
which Chris insists you are?
O those phones and TVs and music boxes are weird things!
Cheers, Quito.
P.s.: Voice, have you ever heard me barking? After all, you should know
me, too!