Hi all:
Today something strange happened, that really delighted Chris. I don't know why, but she was extremely happy, and above all, pleased with me. And that is the greatest award she has to offer, along with food, of course. But this time she had not taken any food, but loads of pets.
This morning all four of us, Mom, Grandpa, Chris and I, walked our usual morning route. But then we started through the empty corn field. Chris was walking in a lane some tractor tires had left there. We walked until we came to the sandy road Chris and I usually walk around lunch time, if the weather is nice. Then we returned home.
After lunch Chris took me for a walk, and we walked the same direction. Only when we had reached the sandy road, we turned to walk towards the wind weals. On the way back Chris hurried a little, ecause I bet she did not like the chilly wind in her face.
When we arrived at the tractor lane I stopped softly. I just stopped, did not pull into the lane direction. Chris could have continued on the sandy road as well. But she turned and looked for the tractor lanes, while I was waiting. Then we walked along there, and she found that I had guided her to that same lane she had used in the morning, the left one. And when it was time to leave the field and continue on the usual route, I turned and slightly pulled to the right. I guess there is no way for Chris to know when to turn. Both times, when entering the field lane and then leaving it, she had loads of praise, and I felt her joy. And at home she did have some delicious food for me, that I can tell you.
Talking about food: It's time I start begging for my evening meal, though Chris will say I have to wait two more hours. So have a good time while I will try to be patient, Yours, Hapoo.